Friday, January 25, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

Well I have never been tagged so here goes:)

Things you may or may not know about me:

1. I was in a singing group as a child, The Sunshine Co. We did gigs like sing at the mall, nursing homes and school assemblies. I was always the shortest so I had a permanent spot in front on the end.

2. My husband got me in to MMORPG's (Mass Multiplayer Online Roll playing Games) I played WOW (World of Warcraft) for 2 years I think. Now I am playing EQII (Everyquest II). So now I always say things like noob, lock, mana, quest and people think I am crazy. Thanks a lot Jason you made me a nerd!

3. I don't really get embarrassed. Ask anyone and they will tell you how I told them about the time I threw up in the kitchen sink and peed my pants. However as a parent my kids embarrass me. We went to visit a friend and Bryant was playing with her two boys in the basement. Before I knew it the two boys were up stairs both crying cause Bryant had hit them. When I got to Bry he said he hit them and that the boys were stupid. I died. We don't use that word. Good times.

4. My bad habit is scratching. Not really sure if it is a habit or a condition or nerves but I do it all the time. Watching tv, on the pc or sleeping.

5. I am scared of not living my life to the fullest.

Alright I hope I did this right:) I now tag: Kim, Katie and Leslie!


Nicole Howard said...

Thanks Erin for following through! You are awesome!

Grandpa and Grandma Lamont said...

Erin, thanks for all the added info I didn't know about you, I really think you told me all of these things. You have always been so good at sharing with your sweet mum or "old ma" as my mother would say. I never shared with her like you share with me. I really think I must be an introvert!