Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Post/Greeting!

Bryant loves his baby sister

Chloe just loves her shoes!
Well I wanted to do Christmas cards this year but as usual I have run out of time. I bought us all cute Christmas outfits to get a family picture taken but it just didn't work out. Maybe sometime after the new year. So I decided last minute to have Jason and I take pics of the kids since they are the cute ones anyway. Oh boy was that fun! Bryant was such a trooper. We made him smile so much we wore him out. He also had the hard job of keeping Chloe upright and she now weighs half as much as he does. So here is our hi-tech Christmas post/greeting/card.
We are all doing well in Clearfield, UT. We love it here! Jason and I are the ward librarians and we really enjoy it. Jason has been at his new job for three months now and he loves it. He is a Database Administrator for Digital Buisness Integrations. You may ask yourself what the heck does that mean? Well join the club:) You will just have to ask Jason. I am at home with the kids. Some days are great and others well you know me:) I have great friends in the neighborhood and that has helped me keep sane. Bryant is almost 3 1/2 now! I can't believe what a smart boy he is. He plays video/computer games, sings, dances takes pictures and his newest achivement is he is potty trianed! Bryant is such a friendly little boy, he loves everyone! I am so glad he is in my life. He is always making me laugh. Not always good when I am trying to be mad at him. Chloe is now 5 1/2 months old. I just love to watch her. She has the funniest expressions with her eyebrows. She sleeps through the night and she is such a good eater. I have yet to find something she dosen't like. She has the cutest laugh but good luck getting her to. She really holds back and makes you work for it. Either that or she dosen't find many things funny. Bryant has the best luck getting her to laugh cause she loves her big brother. When he walks in the room her face just lights up. It is so cute! Well we hope this post finds you all happy and healthy. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007


I love this pic! Her cheeks look soooo big!

Bryant just loves his baby sister!

We caught you sucking your thumb:)

She did not want big brother to take it away!

This was great! Chloe was so fascinated by that green lid. She would grab at it for over 10 mins. Her face just like this pic the whole time while she concentrated so hard on getting it.

Boys will be Boys!

Malachi, Bryant and Aiden

Bryant and Malachi
These two are so cute together. They had so much fun the other night. If one did something the other had to do it too. So they both ended up with their shirts off. They played with swords, video games and just ran around like crazy. I am glad Bry has great friends!


Thanksgiving at Grandma Porters.

I wish I took more photos cause Grandma Porter always does such a nice job at the family dinners. Her home is always a nice place to go. Bryant just loves all of his cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and great grandparents. We did miss all the family from California this year. We hope next year they can all come!