Thursday, March 11, 2010

Behavior Jars

Ok I got this idea from my neighbor Becky. Thanks! You just take canning jars and decorate them. You can use one for each child or one for all the kids. Next you buy those little pom pom things from the craft section. I counted them out and divided them by colors to help me know who's is who's. Now when they do good things and obey they get to put their own pom poms in the jar. Depending on the act they can earn 1-3 pom poms. Once the jar is filled they get a prize. I am going to let them choose the prize and get it so they know what they are working towards. If they do bad things we will still do naughty step but they will also have to take out pom poms, depending on how bad it is. I am excited to start giving them more praise. It is just too easy to forget to do it:) Here is hoping I can get some better behavior out of these two!


Dustin and Kellie said...

What a great idea! I am totally gonna steal it. I was just saying to Dustin that we need to set something up that is like a chore chart or something like that so they can have goals, a plan, some "responsibility," etc. I think this may be the golden solution!

Malissa said...

Awesome idea! Though I think my kids are still too small to grasp the concept. I am definitely going to have to remember that.

Darcysmad said...

That's a good idea. I try very hard to make sure I catch the boys doing something right, but this would make it more on my conscious. Thanks Erin!

Leia said...

Great idea, I need to try that!!