Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tagging is fun. Right?

8 Things I am Passionate about:

1. My Husband (he rocks my world:)
2. My adorable children
3. My Parents, Brothers and Sisters
4. My friends
5. Weight Watchers
6. Sit and Stand Stroller!
7. Twilight Series:)
8. Good Movies

8 Books I have read and Enjoyed! ( ok these were not just in the last 6 months)

1. Twilight
2. New Moon
3. Eclipse
4. All Caroline Courtney books
5. All Betty Neals
6. All Joan Smith
7. All Harry Potters
8. Little Women

8 Things or Words I Often Say!

1. Oh my Heck!
2. Sugar!
3. NO! (to bry guy)
4. SOTP! (to bry guy)
5. I love you! (to Jason, Bryant and Chloe and many more:)
6. Miss Priss (to Chloe)
7. Naughty (I say it whenever to whomever needs to hear it)
8. Love

8 Things I want to do before I die ( not in any order):

1. Have one or two more kids
2. Reach my Goal weight:)
3. Sing Opera Proffessionally
4. Reach the 7th step in the Dave Ramsey Program
5. Watch my children be sealed for time and all eternity
6. Go back to Europe and see more of it
7. Live on a beach for at least a year
8. Become a Grandma

8 Things I Have Learned (or remembered, again) This Past Year:

1. It doesn't matter what people think of me. It is none of my business.
2. Don't sweat the little things!
3. Always have an eternal perspective
4. I don't always have to have my house clean
5. Things don't always have to be done on my schedule
6. I have enough love for Everyone!
7. I am the Lucky one
8. Kids will be kids

8 People I want to Tag:

1. Debbie Burns
2. Kim Lamont
3. Kattie Shannon
4. Kattie Siddowy
5. Ranae Bates
6. Maddy Smith
7. Leia Bushman
8. Leslie Barlow



Hey how are you? It has been forever since I have seen you. Last time I saw you, you were pregnant with your little girl. It is amazing how time flys. It looks like things are going well. Take care.

Susan said...

Wow, I never knew all these things about you! Some great philosophies of life. Thanks for sharing.