Thursday, August 28, 2008


(Chloe's fit)

Well last week I got to hang out at the Gateway for a few hours. Little did I know that an adventure was waiting for me:) It was kind of a spur of the moment(tonz of traffic going home) kinda thing. Chloe didn't have shoes and Bryants weren't made to walk in. So we started off by getting them shoes, Then we wandered around for quite some time and I thought lets get a pretzel, well that store isn't there anymore, I was soooo sick of walking that we went into Ben and Jerry's, we get our ice cream and I go to get my wallet and its gone, The nice people let me leave so I could search for it. I went to information and they called around and no luck. Thanks to Bryant we also visited every bathroom at that mall. So the nice info. Lady babysat so the security guard and I could retrace my many steps. Thankfully I found the wallet and I was able to pay way too much for the little bit of Ice cream we got ( 2 scoops). So when I was done crying we made our way to the fountain and the kids had a blast. Chloe LOVED getting splashed and she got so far another little boy went to get her for me and she threw the biggest fit. It was awesome. They had been soooo good for the whole time I was so thankful.
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Sharron Lamont said...

Glad you made it through your trying day now that I know there was even more to the story! Love, Mom

Sarah Lee said...

I just LOVE days like that! Luckily you found it, nothing is worse than that feeling.