Friday, August 15, 2008


Bryant and his friend Treyson started Soccer yesterday! They were so cute! I loved that Bryant really got a work out. I think he did a great job considering it was his first time. Chloe wandered around either taking kids drinks or trying to suck on the orange cones. I was just glad I had Ranae to sit with so we could laugh at our kids together.
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Nicole Howard said... I am guessing you were reading Breaking Dawn...right?? Wasn't it awesome? I can't wait for the movie.
We are HOPING to move to Utah in April 2010. A lot of things have to fall into place, but that is our goal.
As for soccer, way to go Bry. All the kids are in soccer too and Dylan is the only one that really loves it.

Ranae and Matt said...

It was fun to have you to talk to. Matt's not so much fun and at least I have him to chase Ethan around so I don't have to. Hopefully Jason will be able to come from now on so you wont have to.

Lamont said...

Oh how great! I am sure Bryant is so cute! I love watching little kids play soccer.

Sharron Lamont said...

Way to go Bryant and Chloe! Looks like fun was had by all! I'm glad you had someone to enjoy the experience with. It's hard to be at these activities by yourself as you feel silly laughing and talking to yourself! We love you all! Mom

Kristen said...

Erin, your family is so adorable and you do a great job on your blog (I check it often!!). Your kids look so much like you! We live so close...we should get together sometime. That would be fun. Paige and Bry could play. I haven't seen him since he was a baby and we went to Macy's...long long ago! Lets get together sometime!