Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dyin some Eggs!


I thought the kids could handle this and thankfully I was right! They had a blast! Woot Easter Eggs! I discovered that Chloe just wanted to carry hers around. Then I showed her how fun it was to eat too! She actually ate one! Not the whole thing but still! Bryant was also very excited to eat his. He said he only liked the slimy part. Not the yolk lol.
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Dustin and Kellie said...

That is so fun! So I don't know where I've been- not on th blog apparently.. I have missed like 10 posts! But I think the New Moon night sounded like a blast! Yay for girls nights! And once again(jerk) super cute crafties!!

KatieLarson said...

You are so brave! I am scared to death to dye eggs. Maybe next year...