Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Easter Bunny came and so did Pink Eye


We have had such a nice relaxing day! I even had a 3 hour nap! The kids were so excited this morning even with suffering from pink eye. I made breakfast and the kids ate WAY too much candy. We played Candy land and watched The Princess and the Frog! It has been a long time since Jason was at home with us like this. It was wonderful
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Katie & James Shannon said...

It doesn't look like they have it too bad there eyes aren't all swollen and nasty. Did you ever see Molly when she had it? It was bad. Hopefully they are better now. Looks like you had a fun day, we just relaxed and were lazy all day too.

Marie Lefler said...

Gwen has pink eye too, for the second time in 2 weeks. What is up with that? And this time it is worse. Poor girl.

Sarah Lee said...

I had pink eye one easter and had a completely swollen shut eye in all the pictures. Kinda funny now.