Sunday, April 11, 2010

Project Get in Shape Girl!

Ok! I can't believe I am doing this but here goes. I am very nervous! Over the past 10 years I have continually gained weight (as most women do). However it has now got to the point that I just CAN'T allow myself to get bigger! I am DONE as is my body! So in hopes to reach my goal of getting fit cause it isn't just about the weight it's about being healthy:) I have started a blog! It is a way for me to keep track of my thoughts and to be held accountable for my actions! I invite anyone who cares to join in and follow as well as leave comments, tips, or stories of your own to help keep me in line! I will post the link on the right under "Friends Links"! Come check it out!


Leia said...

Good luck. I hope you reach your goals! :)

Dustin and Kellie said...

GO YOU ERIN! I am with you, I feel like I just keep getting bigger and I need to start thinking about the future.. I went all of last year seriously into and enjoying the gym.. Then with the baby I got lazy, and I need to get back to the life of an active lady.. Good luck and I will be checking in and hopefully get motivated!

Did Amy call you? Are you gonna hang out with us this week?

Leslie said...

Erin--How fantastic of you to take charge and be proactive about health, and general well-being. I am trying to be more health-conscious in my own family and it is an up hill battle. I really admire you for being able to confront and improve an area of your life, when we all HATE change and self-examination, really. You have always been a gutsy girl! You are such a gorgeous person and I'm so glad you are doing something for YOU! And I'm pretty sure you could be a great motivational speaker...:)

Sarah Lee said...

you go girl!

Erin said...

Thanks guys! Leslie, you don't know how much that means to me. I started this only cause I knew I needed some MAJOR live changes! Now the fact that others may be motivated makes it even more encouraging for me! Here is to being more healthy!