Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Unspectacular Quirks

Unspectacular Quirks

I was Tagged by Kim. Ya I don't know about this:)

Rules:1. List the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers

Unspectacular Quirk #1. It drives me NUTS if I see dirt under my kids fingernails! I start to think about what is under there and I get soooo grossed out!

Unspectacular Quirk #2. I hate when someone will set dishes in the right side of my sick. If in the event of having any dishes in my sink I only want them set on one side (the left side).

Unspectacular Quirk #3. I like to have the right lids on the kids sippy cups! Sometimes Jason will put a different kind of lid on and it drives me nuts. I will even switch them when I see it.

Unspectacular Quirk #4. I don't like change! If I met you when you were a blond I will probably prefer that color hair on you etc.

Unspectacular Quirk #5. I love to talk about Weight Watchers. If someone ever talks about it I am so in! I love love love Weight Watchers:)

Unspectacular Quirk #6. Painting my toes changes my mood. I love having my toes painted. If they aren't I hate life and I feel ugly. If they are chipped they will be re-done very soon!

I Tag Katie Shannon, Ranae Bates, Debbie Burns, Marie Lefler, Maddy Smith & Sara Lingwall


Lamont said...

thanks for doing it! Your so GREAT!

Anonymous said...

Hey. I am so with you on the sippy cups and the dishes in the sink. I don't have a dish washer, so I like the dishes rinsed and organized on one side of the sink. Oh, I have the updated Twilight widget on my blog. It has a countdown for the new release date.

Debbie Burns said...

I had no idea you felt that way about painting your toes! That is awesome!!! This was a fun "tag." Thanks for getting me involved. :)

Cathy Smith said...

Hey Erin! You're quirk list is great. When you have a sec, check out my new blog Debbie helped me create. ~Mom Smith

Ranae and Matt said...

Sorry I think when I came over I put my cup in the right side of the sink. I will remember for next time.:)

Erin said...

Ok, good Ranae you better not! lol